GT News / Packaging
Our new product line
"Time for precious - time for GT"
"Time for Precious - time for GT"
True the Motto „Time for precious – time for GT“ we launched a new product line during the Luxe Pack Monaco. Together with the packaging expert Edelmann we developed three packagings. With a cartonbox, a wraparound packaging and a rigid box we used our entire knowledge. We created a triptych which embodies Monacos luxury with Princess Gracia Patricia. In focus are different luxury goods shown in three different poses and versions of the princess. So we have developed a champagne packaging, a perfume packaging and a cosmetic packaging. Especially the wraparound box is a very impressive construction from Edelman. This packaging works without any glue.
With help of different gutters the construction is wrapped around itself and gets the needed stability. The ridgid box stands out because of its accurate and sharp edges. It gets a very precious look. Convincing through its classy design, the champagne packaging works very well for a 0,2l piccolo bottle. The design is based on the paintings of Nienhaus. The three pictures gives the packagings the wished touch of luxury. Owing to various textured coatings and pigments the print looks and feels exactly like the original painting. This promotes also the memorability. Our stamped hologram, which offers a huge added value enrich the design.
More about our hologram technique